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Vortex | Waste Water Treatment

Why is VORTEX unique? How is it different from other Air Treatment Unit (ATU) sanitation waste systems?

VORTEX is unique in several respects. Foremost, it is not an ATU, because each unit contains our proven Nature Digester Aerobic Bacteria Generator (AGB) and is inoculated with our special blend of naturally occurring bacteria supplied to us by the Sludgehammer Group, Inc., USA. The ABG provides a specialized environment for the bacteria to colonize and reproduce, saturating the liquid filled VORTEX tank with biomass waste consuming bacteria.

What are the bacteria used in the VORTEX?

Our bacteria come from Sludgehammer Group, Inc., USA, and are a blend of naturally occurring non-pathogenic Bacillus species. The bacteria come in a sealed packet that also contains a medium composed of a sterile blend of organic material that help the bacteria thrive once it is placed in the ABG. The bacteria are harmless to people, animals, reptiles, and fish … but aggressively consume biomass such as human waste and liquefied garbage. The bacteria blend has been used worldwide and approved by the most stringent Public Health regulators.

How are the VORTEX bacteria different from bacteria found in a conventional Air Treatment Unit (ATU)?

The special bacteria inoculated into the VORTEX are facultative organisms. This means that they can survive in both aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen) environments. Unlike the strict aerobes of a conventional ATU that die once they enter the anaerobic environment of a subsurface leach trench, our special blend of facultative bacteria continue to survive without oxygen and continue to consume any remaining biomass waste suspended in the outfall water. The benefits are that the VORTEX bacteria maintain the leach field by preventing anaerobic bacteria from forming and clogging the soil with mucus by-product, thereby enabling water to reely percolate downward into the water table; and also prevent the formation of toxic Nitrate.

Does the outfall water from the VORTEX contain toxic Nitrate?

The answer is NO!

Nitrate is a very stable compound that travels unimpeded through soil. It is also classified as toxic in concentrations over 10 mg/L in drinking water. Unfortunately, it is a frequent by-product of human and animal waste decomposition and a major source of ground and surface water pollution. In aerobic decomposition, bacteria digest organic carbon into Carbon Dioxide (CO2). A secondary reaction is the formation of Nitrosomonas bacteria. Unlike other bacteria that get their energy from converting reduced carbon (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) to Co2, Nitrosomonas gets its energy from consuming Ammonia (NH3) and converting it to Nitrite (NO2). Thus, Nitrosomonas thrive when carbon is digested and only Ammonia remains. Followed by a bacterium called Nitrobacter, which digests Nitrite and converts NO2 to Nitrate (NO3).

In traditional septic systems the conversion of Ammonia to Nitrite to Nitrate doesn’t occur in the anaerobic tank environment but in the aerobic environment of the soil surrounding the leach trench, where the levels of Nitrate in the effluent typically reach as high as 40 mg/L. The VORTEX does not generate toxic Nitrate because of the unique properties of our proprietary blend of facultative Bacillus bacteria and the effectiveness of our patented Nature Digester Aerobic Bacteria Generator (ABG). Facultative bacteria are unique because although they are primarily aerobic, they can also survive in anaerobic conditions. They survive in anaerobic conditions by stripping oxygen from other oxidized compounds such as Nitrite and Nitrate. Our ABG saturates the effluent within the VORTEX and leach lines and surrounding soil with our proprietary blend of facultative bacteria that competes with Nitrobacter for the Nitrite that is produced by Nitrosomonas. Because of their biology the Bacillus cannot create Nitrite or Nitrate in the aerobic environment of the VORTEX. Nitrogen stays in Ammonia form in the VORTEX, even with the elevated oxygen levels. When Nitrosomonas in the soil converts this ammonia to Nitrite, the billions of Bacillus from the VORTEX capture it and produce nitrogen gas, a harmless compound that makes up 80% of our atmosphere. Nitrobacter loses out and the effluent is now stripped of both the Ammonia and Nitrate, leaving behind pure, Nitrate free water to go back into the groundwater table.

Is the VORTEX more environmentally friendly then traditional septic systems?

The answer is a resounding Yes!

The VORTEX prevents Nitrate ground water pollution. Traditional septic systems cause Nitrate ground water pollution. The VORTEX seldom, if ever, requires pumping to remove solids, thereby reducing heavy vehicle generated ozone pollution. Traditional septic systems require frequent pumping and consequently generate substantial heavy vehicle generated ozone pollution.

When the VORTEX is combined with our Waste Hammer biomass garbage processor, the environmental benefits exceed traditional septic systems and large scale municipal sewage and garbage landfill systems beyond comparison, eliminating ozone pollution, vermin, methane greenhouse gas, toxic groundwater leachate, dust, noise, and road congestion. Furthermore, the VORTEX conserves water by capturing 0.8 liters of H2O per Kg of biomass kitchen waste, enabling that water to be recycled or percolated down into the groundwater.

Does the VORTEX digest kitchen waste garbage like vegetable and fruit peels, meat, fish, rice, bread, etc., etc?

The answer is Yes! See the paragraph above.

The VORTEX has a voracious appetite for kitchen waste garbage … it is a VORTEX in which garbage goes in and never returns.

How does the VORTEX respond to fluctuations in biomass load?

Like all living communities, the VORTEX bacteria respond to food supply. As the biomass food supply increases, the bacteria colony responds with growth in quantity and consumption. When the food supply decreases, so does the bacteria colony. In essence, the VORTEX is an engineered environment created to sustain a colony of self-regulating bacteria.

Can anything harm the VORTEX bacteria?

The answer is, unfortunately, yes.

We become emotionally attached to our VORTEX bacteria communities and hate to see them harmed. However, they can be harmed, even killed, by strong solutions of cleaners such as bleach, and some pharmaceuticals. Many pharmaceuticals create toxic compounds after being utilized in the human body. They are typically excreted in the urine from where they can enter the VORTEX. If these toxic compounds are concentrated or the treatment is long term (10 days or more), they will kill the bacteria colony. The most toxic compounds come from antibiotics, chemotherapy, and immune suppressant drugs. Consequently, over use of concentrated cleaning solutions should be avoided, and if the bacteria are destroyed by the unavoidable use of antibiotics or cleaning solutions, they must be replenished with fresh bacteria as soon as possible.

Does VORTEX require energy to operate?

The answer is yes.

The VORTEX utilizes a small linear air pump for aeration, only. These pumps require very little continuous electrical power. The consumption is similar to a 60 – 120 watt incandescent light bulb, depending on size of VORTEX model.

Can a VORTEX operate on solar electric-power?

The answer is yes.

The VORTEX operates flawlessly on solar power with battery backup. The battery backup is needed during the night because the bacteria never sleep and work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Does the VORTEX emit any greenhouse gasses?

The VORTEX mineralizes biomass waste, including human waste and garbage, into minerals, water and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). CO2 is considered a greenhouse gas when derived from the combustion of hydrocarbons such as coal and oil. The VORTEX emitted CO2, however, is greenhouse gas neutral because it comes from plants that have taken the CO2 directly from the existing CO2 supply in the atmosphere. The VORTEX is also the only biomass processing technology available that does not emit methane or combustion greenhouse gasses.

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